Our Approach
Creative Arts Therapy
Creative Arts Therapy combines psychology and the creative process to promote emotional growth and healing. This multi-arts, or intermodal, approach to therapy uses our inborn desire to create—be it music, theater, poetry, dance, or other artistic form—as a therapeutic tool to help initiate change, promote self-reflection, and inspire balance and connection.
Within our sessions, Creative Arts Therapy is used as an exercise to enhance the therapeutic conversation and allows for deeper insight. The use of Creative Arts Therapy is according to your comfort level and will use the creative medium you most familiar with-- be it writing, art, poetry, music, performance, movement, ect.
Holistic Therapy
Wholistic healing addresses the mind-body-heart-soul-spirit and uses techniques such as meditation, intention-setting, breathwork, EFT, nutrition, yoga, and natural remedies to bring about alignment, balance, and integration within. The centers of mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit are defined below in terms of how they are explored within and outside of therapy.
The Body- this is the physical aspects of our existence and comprises of our biology and how we orient ourselves in space/time
The Mind- this is our psyche, and comprises of our thoughts, memories, humor, and imagination
The Heart- this is our emotional selves and comprises of our feelings, the way we love, and how we are present in relationship with ourselves and others
The Soul- this is our energy, identity, and personality, and also comprises of our need for purpose, self-connection, awareness, and fulfillment
The Spirit- this is the manner by which we connect with others and the world around us. It also comprises of our values, morals, ethics, expectations, intentions, and judgments
The Environment- this is the manner by which nature supports us. Whether it be through natural remedies, being out in nature, or exploring natural symbolism our environment holds keys to our well-being and healing.
Within our sessions healing techniques are used based upon your comfort and will use the techniques with which you are most familiar.

Narrative Therapy
Narrative therapy seeks to be a respectful, non-blaming approach to counseling, which centers people as the experts in our own lives. It views problems as separate from people and assumes people have many skills, competencies, beliefs, values, commitments and abilities that will assist us in reducing the influence of problems in our lives.
Narrative therapy is sometimes known as ‘re-authoring’ or ‘re-storying’ conversations. It seeks to understand the dominant stories and alternative stories; dominant plots and alternative plots; events being linked together over time that have implications for past, present and future actions; and stories that powerfully shape our lives. Narrative therapy is interested in joining with people to explore the stories we have about our lives and relationships, our effects, our meanings and the context in which we have been formed and authored.
Within our sessions Narrative Therapy is the basis for the therapeutic conversation with the goal being to understand your personal stories and shifting narratives to enhance your quality of life.
Therapeutic Techniques
As Licensed Clinical Mental Health Professionals we bring evidence based techniques and interventions to all of our sessions. This nonexclusive list of theraupuetic interventions includes
DBT Skills Training
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Positive Psychology
Solution Focus Therapy
Relationship Therapy
Trauma Focused Care/Post Traumatic Growth
Person-Center Therapy
Feminist Therapy
Gestalt Therapy
Transpersonal Therapy