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Blissful Business. 


Create what you love.  LOVE what you create!

Create U. provides Agile, Positive Psychology business coaching to healers, wellness practitioners, mental health professionals, and creatives to help them lead and/or create businesses with more connection, balance, creativity, and, of-course, joy.


Blissful Business. Coaching Services can be booked together or a-la-carte.

Blissful Business. Coaching Services
Happiness Management

This self-management 101 training provides leaders with easy to use tools for managing and cultivating more connection, creativity, balance, and HAPPY for yourself, as a business owner or leader.

Foundation Consultation

This consult reviews the manner by which you relate, collaborate, organize, execute, evaluate, and cultivate ideas, to achieve success and ensure that the business created or leadership position attained is as much a joy tomorrow as it is today.

Color Connection

Whether you are looking for a good team building event or a strategic plan for picking the colors for your brand.  This event uses colors to connect you and your team to your inner strengths, vision, and joy.

Linear Leadership

Learn to lead from across the table rather than from the head. This training teaches leaders how to create teams, work more collaboratively, and tap into leadership potential within your teams.


Create U. 

971 Fischer Street

Detroit, Michigan 48214


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