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Meditation + Tea

a happiness meditation circle for women of color

Occurring the 1st Wednesday of each month is a joyful alternative to your traditional happy hour. 


If you have ponder what it means to live happy, and enjoy fearless discussions, creative expression, good times, meditation, and tea then this happiness circle is for you.


This is not your traditional structured meditation, nor is like every other happy hour. We will meet once per month to drink tea, meditate, and converse about cultivating more happiness within our lives, relationships, businesses, and careers.


All levels of experience are welcomed.


This happiness meditation circle is from 7p-8p the 1st Wednesday of each month. Due to the limited time we will begin promptly at 7:15p.


A love offering of $5, is greatly appreciated.




Create U. 

971 Fischer Street

Detroit, Michigan 48214


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